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Danish Blues showis more talent and potential than ever, live as well as on CD. At the annual festival Copenhagen Blues Festival puts the spotlight on the live-scene, but also on the CD-front Danish blues deserves as much attention as possible.

'The Copenhagen Blues Sessions' is a CD-series, primarily serving as documentation and PR to create a broader interest in Danish blues - at home and abroad.
The project started in 2002, and every second year has seen a new CD, following up on the present versatility and musical quality of the Danish bluesscene.

The ”Copenhagen Blues Sessions” CD’s can be purchased here:
Tip: search for ”Copenhagen Blues Sessions”

- and at venues during the Blues Festival !

Read all about it:
Copenhagen Blues Session CD's

New Danish blues releases are presented and promoted here on the the site and in the printed, annual festival prgramme. All relevant blues releases, except demo-CD’es, can be shown here as ads at cost price.

Look for new, exciting blues-releases here:
Band CD's


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